Frequently Asked Questions

Can a bespoke memorial go over two graves?

Yes, this is possible but will depend on the regulations at your cemetery. We will be able to check this and advise further when we do your quotation. All memorials need to have an approved permit from the cemetery before we begin to manufacture them.

Which letter colour lasts longest?

The letters for your inscription can be simply cut into the stone and left plain or they can be painted black, white, silver or gilded with gold leaf. They are all equally resillient to the weather but conditions will vary from location to location so the colour chosen should be based simply on personal choice. It is also worth noting that lettering which is placed on flat surfaces (ie on the top of a headstone base) will weather more quickly than those on the face of the headstone.

Do we need to make an appointment to visit your showroom?

Yes, showroom visits are by appointment only. This is to ensure there is a member of staff available to help you for as long as you need. Please call our office on 01582 249990 to arrange a suitable time and date.